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Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 26/11/2024
(1) That the Cabinet adopted the revised policy;
(2) That the Cabinet agreed that licences would be granted for the maximum two years, unless there were good reasons for granting a licence for a shorter period; and
(3) That the Cabinet agreed that further consultation and Cabinet approval would not be required on the pavement licensing policy where amendments were required solely to reflect legislative changes however, Portfolio holder approval would be required.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: David King, Mandy Thompson
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 26/11/2024
Please note this item was brought forward at the meeting.
(1) That the Cabinet noted the process undertaken in the development of the South Nazeing Concept Framework Plans between 2023 and 2024, the engagement process with EFDC and ECC officers throughout the development of the masterplan and the informal consultation undertaken with the local community and district and parish councillors by the site promoters and design team between the 16.07.24 and the 31.07.24;
(2) That the Cabinet agreed that the South Nazeing Concept Framework Plans be formally endorsed in order for it to be taken into account as an important material consideration in the determination of future planning applications, and to inform pre-application advice, assessing planning and any other development management and implementation related purposes relating to the site; and
(3) That the Cabinet agreed that the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make minor amendments to the South Nazeing Concept Framework Plans, including any document accessibility requirements, prior to publication.
Wards affected: Roydon and Lower Nazeing;
Lead officer: Nigel Richardson
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 26/11/2024
(1) That the Cabinet noted the process undertaken and the outputs from the public consultation on the Draft West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (CFP) in September and October 2024;
(2) That the Cabinet agreed that the West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (CFP) be formally endorsed in order for it to be taken into account as an important material consideration in the determination of future planning applications, and to inform pre-application advice, assessing planning and any other development management and implementation related purposes relating to the site; and
(3) That the Cabinet agreed that the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make minor amendments to the CFP, including any document accessibility requirements, prior to publication.
Wards affected: Ongar;
Lead officer: Nigel Richardson, Peter van der Zwan
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 26/11/2024
(1) That the Cabinet noted the General Fund revenue position at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2024) for 2024/25, including actions being undertaken or proposed to ameliorate the position, where significant variances had been identified (including Appendix A of the agenda report).
(2) That the Cabinet noted the General Fund capital position at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2024) for 2024/25 (including Appendix B of the agenda report).
(3) That the Cabinet noted the Housing Revenue Account revenue position at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2024) for 2024/25, including actions proposed to ameliorate the position, where significant variances had been identified.
(4) That the Cabinet noted the Housing Revenue Account capital position at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2024) for 2024/25 (including Appendix C of the agenda report); and
(5) That the Cabinet noted the wider position on Financial Performance and Risk at the end of Quarter 2 (30th September 2024).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Christopher Hartgrove
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 26/11/2024
That the Cabinet approved the proposed policy for repairs and maintenance to homes provided by EFDC.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Surjit Balu, John Taphouse