Issue - decisions

Exemption from Procurement Rules

12/11/2019 - Exemption from Procurement Rules

1)  That an Exemption be approved in accordance with Paragraph 2.7 (a) of the Council’s Procurement Rules and the Service Director (Housing and Property) be authorised to enter into a 12 month contract with Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Limited in 2020/2021 to provide a maintenance service for all of the Council’s Careline equipment at a cost of around £63,000, funded from the existing Sheltered Units Management Budgets, without the need to seek a minimum of three tenders.  


2)  That during 2020/2021 a competitive tender exercise for the maintenance of all the Council’s Careline alarm equipment be undertaken and this contract commence when the 12 month contract with Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Limited expires.