Issue - decisions

Proposed Letting of Land at NWA to Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government

09/09/2019 - Proposed Letting of Land at NWA to Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government

(1)        The Cabinet agreed to the approval of a new lease of land at North Weald Airfield to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for HGV parking and associated facilities to allow the operation of the checking the documentation of companies importing and exporting high value goods.


(2)        Alongside the more formal agreement concerning the use of the Airfield, the Cabinet agreed to seek other benefits from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in terms of infrastructure, planning, information exchange and other legacy benefits.


(3)          That, pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Rule 53 (Special Urgency) of the Constitution, the Vice-Chairman of Council (in the absence of the Chairman) be requested to waive the call-in arrangements for this decision, as any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s interests, as it would substantially lessen the time for negotiations with HMRC and thus the preparation time needed to prepare the airfield and surrounding roads for a no-deal exit from the European Union.