Issue - decisions

Budget, Medium-Term and Long-Term Financial Plan

09/09/2019 - Budget, Medium-Term and Long-Term Financial Plan

1.            The Cabinet noted the increased integration of the 2019/20 Budget Mid-Year Review, Budget 2020/21 and medium-term and long-term financial planning processes.


2.            The outline financial review and financial planning timetable and its timetable and its correlation with key meeting dates was noted.


3.            The Cabinet commented in general and took note of the key issues that would underpin the 2020/21 Budget and medium-term and long-term financial plans.


4.            The Cabinet noted that although early in the process of financial planning, at this point, a combination of local performance issues, local plans and cost pressures and local tax and charging uncertainties together with the general economic climate were putting pressure on the Budget and was increasing the need for savings, service changes and increase in council tax and charges.


5.            The Cabinet noted that they may need to have Budget and financial planning meetings and updates in November 2019 and January 2020, (in addition to the current timetable).