Issue - decisions

Economic Development Team Progress Report

08/11/2018 - Economic Development - Progress Report

The Economic Development Officer (EDO) presented a report to the Cabinet Committee and updated them on a number of projects and issues being explored by the Economic Development Team.


Digital Innovation Programme


The ED Team continued to promote the work of and raise the profile of the Essex and Herts Digital Innovation Zone (DIZ), with numerous engagement events undertaken. In particular, the work of the project team exploring digital opportunities to improve information flow to ambulance crews in emergency situations had been presented to health partners on the Urgent Care Local Delivery Board and the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Clinical Expert Oversight Group. Discussions were taking place to explore the potential for local pilot projects. Presentations on the DIZ have also been given to the LSCC, and Superfast Essex Steering Board. The programme had also achieved coverage at a national level. A number of external bids have been made under the umbrella of the DIZ but led by different external partners.


Councillor Lion added that the programme was moving ahead fast and at a meeting earlier today with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council they advised that they were looking at their commercial approach and considering the way the EFDC ED Team have worked to engage industry and other sectors to make this programme work, rather than it being a solely local authority driven initiative. There may be potential for the EFDC ED Team to provide some expertise to support their initiatives.


Visitor Economy


The 2018 Tourism and Visitor Conference was being held at the Marriott Hotel Waltham Abbey on Friday, 26 October 2018. The event will include presentations from key tourism partners, including, Vibrant Partnerships as well as a funding update from Best Growth Hub. Attendees would also review the performance of the sector over the last year and discuss increasing levels of work and opportunities being explored across borders with neighbouring authorities.


Superfast Broadband


The new Phase 4a Superfast Essex broadband project remained in the planning stage. Once plans were finalised, the ED Team would look to bring the contractors, Gigaclear, in to a project kick-off meeting with key council departments to ensure the impact of the plans were fully understood and the interests of the council and its residents and businesses were properly considered. This £3.1million contract with Gigaclear would bring full fibre ultrafast speeds to a further 2,100 homes and businesses in the Epping Forest District by December 2019.




(1)        That the current progress and work programme of the Council’s Economic Development Section were noted.


Reasons for Decision:


To appraise the Committee on the progress made with regard to Economic Development issues.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


None, as this monitoring report was for information not action.