Agenda item

Planning Application EPF/0897/20 - Land at Bentons Farm, Middle Street, Nazeing EN9 2LN

(Development Management Service Manager) To consider the attached report for the development of 1 two storey, four bedroom detached residential dwelling house together with double garage, utilising the existing access from Oak Tree Close.


The Senior Planning Officer – S Dhadwar – presented a report for the development of a two-storey, four-bedroomed detached dwelling on land at Bentons Farm in Middle Street, Nazeing. This application had originally been considered by the Area Planning Sub-Committee West with an Officer recommendation to refuse permission with three reasons concerning inappropriate development in the Metropolitan Green Belt, the introduction of an inappropriate pattern of development, and the potential impact of the proposal on the Epping Forest Special Area for Conservation (SAC). The Sub-Committee voted to grant planning permission, but as this was a significant departure from the Council’s agreed planning policy, the application was before this Committee for a final decision.


S Dhadwar informed the Committee that the site – situated on the north side of Middle Street within Nazeing – was approximately rectangular in shape and was covered in vegetation. To the north of the site were open fields, to the east commercial buildings, and to the south was a telephone exchange and workshop. The site was located within the Metropolitan Green Belt as well as the South Roydon Conservation Area. It was proposed to construct a double garage alongside the dwelling and the existing access at Oak Tree Close was proposed to be used. An appeal to develop four dwellings on this site had been dismissed by the Planning Inspector in 2019 on the grounds of inappropriate development in the Green Belt and an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.


Originally, Planning Officers had concluded that the proposal constituted inappropriate development in the Green Belt, could not be considered as limited in-filling, and there were no very special circumstances to outweigh the harm from this development. It would also cause undue harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and insufficient information had been provided to demonstrate that the development would not have an adverse impact on the Epping Forest SAC. However, the Sub-Committee had voted against the recommendation and a motion to grant planning permission had been carried subject to the imposition of standard planning conditions for such a development as well as a condition for a landscaping scheme to be approved prior to the implementation of the permission.


The Committee noted the summary of representations received for this application, including no objections from one neighbouring property, support from another neighbouring property and support from the Parish Council. The Committee heard from the Parish Council and the local Ward Member before proceeding to debate the application.


The Committee acknowledged the points made by the local Ward Member, namely that the proposal had local support, should be considered as limited in-filling and the site was well shielded by trees. However, the application had to be determined on the basis of planning policy and the locations did not constitute limited in-filling within the setting of the village. Cllr D Dorrell felt that the reduction in the number of proposed dwellings did not satisfy the verdict of the Planning Inspector at the previous appeal for this site, whilst Cllr C C Pond commented that the national policy on the Green Belt was correct and he would not support this application. Cllr J Philip felt that the proposed new dwelling would be visible from local footpaths in the area and would cause harm to the appearance of the Green Belt. The Councillor supported the Planning Inspector’s appeal decision and supported the original recommendation of Planning Officers.


Cllr J Philip proposed a motion to refuse permission for this application for the reasons originally given to the Sub-Committee, and this was seconded by Cllr C C Pond.




(1)        That permission for planning application EPF/0897/20 on land at Bentons Farm in Middle Street, Nazeing be refused for the following reasons:


1…The proposal constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt, for which there are no very special circumstances. Inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and therefore the proposal is contrary to policies GB2A and GB7A of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations, DM4 of the Submission Version Local Plan and with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


2…The proposed dwelling is significantly recessed from the public carriageway which introduces an inappropriate pattern of development, in stark contrast to the prevailing character of the Conservation Area. The pattern of development is an important aspect of the Conservation Area and the proposal fails to preserve or enhance this pattern. Furthermore, the grain of development would extend a cul-de-sac, which is suburban in character, into a rural hamlet setting. The suburban character of the development would be reinforced by the repetitive design of the proposed new dwelling, mirroring the ones previously granted.   The proposal is therefore contrary to policies HC6 and HC7 of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations, DM 7 of the Submission Version Local Plan and with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


3…The application does not provide sufficient information to satisfy the Council, as competent authority, that the development has not adversely affected the integrity of the Epping Forest Special Area for Conservation and there are no alternative solutions or imperative reasons of overriding public interest why the development should be permitted. As such, the development is contrary to policies CP1 and CP6 of the Adopted Local Plan and Alterations, policies DM2 and DM22 of the Submission Version Local Plan 2017 and the requirements of the Habitats Regulations 2017.


Way Forward


None proposed.

Supporting documents: