Agenda item

Reports from the Leader & Members of the Cabinet

To receive reports and any announcements from the Leader and members of the Cabinet on matters falling within their area of responsibility:


(a)        Report of the Leader;


(b)        Report of the Business Support Services Portfolio Holder (attached);


(c)        Report of the Contract and Technical Services Portfolio Holder (attached);


(d)        Report of the Commercial and Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder (attached);


(e)        Report of the Community and Partnership Services Portfolio Holder (attached);


(f)        Report of the Customer Services Portfolio Holder (attached);


(g)        Report of the Housing and Property Services Portfolio Holder (attached);


(i)         Report of the Planning Services Portfolio Holder (attached); and


(j)         Report of the Strategic Projects Portfolio Holder (attached).


The Council received written reports from Portfolio Holders. The Chairman invited the Leader of Council to provide an oral report and the opportunity for other members of the Cabinet to give updates on matters concerning their relevant service areas.


(a)          The Leader of the Council


Councillor C Whitbread congratulated Councillor G Mohindra on his recent successful election, as a Member of Parliament for South West Hertfordshire and to all the other members that had contributed to the General Election on 12 December 2019.


In regards to Council business, he had attended the Essex’s Leaders and Chief Executive meeting. which had provided updates on Brexit planning and the proposals for young people leaving care. This included consideration for exemption on council tax up to the age of 21, other concessions and work experience opportunities.


Furthermore, the Cabinet continued to work on the budget for 2020/21, which included investment in frontline services and bring back other provisions. The Accommodation Strategy was moving forward and provided a vision for the future of the Council including discussions taking place with Essex County Council with regards to the library services and a planning application for St John’s Road Development. This  would be submitted shortly, following the report to Cabinet on 6 January 2020 which included a wider look at the area, to consider future provisions required including parking.      


(b)          Contracts and Technical Services Portfolio Holder


Councillor N Avey advised that he had met with Transport for London (TfL) regarding the changes to the Central Line timetable in January 2020. TfL had advised that the proposed reduction in service would be to resolve engine problems, which were causing regular delays to the service, which would continue until 2023.


During the maintenance programme, trains would be given increased wheelchair spaces, visual graphic announcements and CCTV. TfL advised that a new fleet would be operational 2030/33 and, in the meantime, the maintenance programme would improve reliability of the Central Line, although there would be a reduction of trains from Epping in the peak periods but additional trains from Loughton.


He had requested that TfL keep both the Council and residents informed throughout this programme of work and TfL had been requested to attend a future Overview and Scrutiny Committee to explain the work programme.


(c)           Commercial and Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder


Councillor A Patel advised that the Council had purchased the Loughton Centric Parade, which included 40 car parking spaces to the rear, 9 flats above and 18 commercial and offices units. Subject to planning approval, there were further opportunities  for residential development.  The purchase had complied with many of the key corporate policies, plans and strategies of the Council.


(d)          Housing and Property Portfolio Holder


Councillor H Whitbread advised that opening ceremony for Davis Court had been postponed due to purdah and this had been arranged for the New Year.

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