Agenda item

Questions by Members Without Notice

The Council’s rules provide for questions by any member of the Council to the Leader or any Portfolio Holder, without notice on:


(i)            reports under the previous item; or


(ii)           any other matter of a non operational character in relation to the powers and  duties of the Council or which affects all or part of the District or some or all of  its inhabitants.


The Council’s rules provide that answers to questions without notice may take the form of:


(a)            a direct oral answer from the Leader or, at the request of the Leader, from another member of the Cabinet;


(b)            where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication;


(c)            where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner; or


(d)            where the question relates to an operational matter, the Leader or a member of the Cabinet will request that a response be given direct to the questioner by the relevant Service Director.


In accordance with the Council’s rules, a time limit of thirty minutes is set for questions. Any question not dealt with within the time available will receive a written reply. The Chairman may extend this period by up to a further ten minutes at their discretion.


(a)          Homelessness


Councillor H. Whitbread asked the Housing & Property Services Portfolio Holder what the Council was doing to support and address homelessness in the District.


Councillor S. Stavrou advised the Council took the issue of homelessness extremely seriously and over the last couple of years, the budget from the Government had increased. The support grant had helped to pay for an additional Homelessness Prevention officer, to levitate and prevent homelessness in the district. The Council worked with many organisations that provided outreach programmes, to identify, contact and help ruff sleepers.


The Council had been required to take a snapshot of homelessness in the District, which revealed 3 people. The Government had allocated £11m in 2019/20 to halve homelessness by 2022 and to end ruff sleeping totally by 2027. The Council had put in a bid for the funding and if successful, it would be put towards another support officer, to give assistance the Homelessness Prevention Team.


(b)          Lichfields Impact Study - The Broadway, Loughton


Councillor D. Sunger asked the Commercial & Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder when the Lichfields Impact Study concerning The Broadway, Loughton would be made available by the Council.


Councillor A. Grigg advised that officers had been analysing the impact assessment and it would be available to Ward Councillors on 4 January 2019 and publically available on 11 January 2019, when the Asset Management Economic Development Cabinet Committee agenda was published for the meeting on Thursday 17 January 2019. 


(c)          Epping Forest Libraries Services


Councillor S. Neville asked the Leader of the Council;


(a)  whether he agreed that the threat of closure to four of the Districts libraries, left this authority without a comprehensive library service as required under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964; and

(b)  what could be learnt from Thurrock Unitary Authority, who were trying to increase footfall and do everything they could to keep open the 10 libraries under threat in their authority.


Councillor C. Whitbread advised that it was the responsibility of Essex County Council, although all members and residents should respond to the consultation regarding the Districts libraries. Furthermore, there were also a number of other ways to run libraries, which had been demonstrated across the county such as community libraries and this should be considered.


(d)          Crisp Pack Recycling


Councillor C.C. Pond asked whether the Contracts & Technical Services Portfolio Holder was aware of the initiative by Walkers crisps to recycle crisp packs and whether discussion could be had with Biffa to potential include this in the kerb side recycling.


Councillor N. Avey advised that he had not been aware of the Walkers initiative, although he would discuss this with officers and potentially Biffa.


(e)          Lichfield Impact Study - The Broadway, Loughton


Councillor C. Roberts informed the Commercial & Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder that he had requested a copy of the draft report for the Impact Study on The Broadway, Loughton on 13 December 2018 and would like to know when it would be available.


Councillor A. Grigg advised that the Ward Councillors, which were Councillors C. C. Pond and M. Owen, would receive a copy of the report on 4 January 2019 and the report would be published within the Asset Management Economic Development Cabinet Committee agenda on the 11 January 2019.


(f)           Local Plan


Councillor J.M. Whitehouse asked the Planning Services Portfolio Holder when a full schedule of the proposed amendments to the Local Plan would be available and what the process would be for members input and agreement.


Councillor J. Philip advised that the Council would not be aware of all the amendments until the Local Plan had been through the Public Examination procedure. He advised that there were processes for making modifications and various levels. Furthermore, it was very rare that any plan got through the examination process without some amendments, which were called Major Modifications. These would be suggestions from the examiner about what the Council would need to do, in their view to make the plan sound.


Any other major changes required, would go through the standard processes and where required, the public would be consulted. The full list of amendments would be made available through a report to the Local Plan Cabinet Committee or Cabinet.


(g)          The Broadway, Loughton


Councillor M. Owen asked the Commercial & Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder whether the Council had ever discussed the sale or redevelopment of land at The Broadway, Loughton; and if the Council had done enough for a tenant on The Broadway, who would be shortly closing their premises, due to the possible impact from another retailor at the Epping Forest Shopping Park.


Councillor A. Grigg advised that the Council was not selling The Broadway, but were trying to attract businesses and people to the area, which had led to some changes that current tenants at the Broadway were concerned about.


With regards to the individual tenant mentioned, it was noted that they had taken on an assignment from a previous tenant, and not directly with the Council. Information regarding the application of a competitive retailer on the Epping Forest Shopping Park had been known on the 10 April 2017, and considered by Loughton Town Council on 24 April 2017. This had been in the public arena before the tenant on The Broadway had taken the assignment. A payment plan had been arranged for the tenant, although the Council could not allow the situation to continue. Therefore the Council had done everything possible to assist.


(h)          Volunteers


Councillor S. Murray asked the Leader of Council, if he recognised the many local residents that volunteer for a community service in the District and the service provided by Epping Forest Foodbank, which had seen a 40% increase since 2017.


Councillor C. Whitbread applauded all of the volunteers that gave their time to the local community.


The Foodbank provided a huge support to residents in the District and he noted the worth while service they provided. He advised that if the Foodbank contacted the Council, members would look at ways to help assist the service, through possible grants.


(i)            Local Plan


Councillor L. Burrows asked the Planning Services Portfolio Holder for further information on the arrangements for the examination in public for the Local Plan.


Councillor J. Philip advised that the first meetings would start in February 2019. The enquiry would take place in the Committee Rooms at the Civic Offices, which would be opened out to one room. It would be webcast and the Council Chamber would be used as an overflow area, where the enquiry could be viewed. The examination was currently schedule for 15 days and the Council wanted the process to be accessible to everyone.


(j)            Christmas Tree Collections


Councillor J. Share-Bernia asked the Contracts & Technical Services Portfolio Holder for information on the collection of Christmas trees after the festive period.


Councillor N. Avey advised that residents should leave their Christmas trees next their green bins for collection after Christmas and if the trees were more than 6 feet tall, they should cut into half.


(k)          Black Plastic


Councillor D. Wixley asked the Contracts & Technical Services Portfolio Holder that following his update on the Governments Resources and Waste Strategy, whether anything had been raised about the issues of non-recyclable black plastics.


Councillor N. Avey advised that this would probably be picked up in the consultations about the Resources and Waste Strategy.