Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2018/19

(Director of Resources) To consider the attached report (FPM-017-2017/18).



The Assistant Director, Accountancy presented a report on the fees and charges to be levied by the Council in 2018/19 and what, if any increases could be made. The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) was now 3% and it was proposed to use this as a guide in setting increases.


The Assistant Director, Accountancy reported that the Medium Term Financial Strategy had identified the need to find savings of £700,000 over the four year period with £300,000 falling in 2018/19. The Revenue Support funding had already been set for 2018/19 at £193,000 and would be phased out with the Council having to fund all the General Fund services from the Council Tax, Retained Business Rates and Fees and Charges.The scope for increased income as a result of increasing fees and charges was relatively limited as regards the General Fund, though less so with the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). Other options were to introduce fees and charges where they were currently not levied, although this was fairly limited.


Within the Communities Directorate, a review of charges at the Limes Centre proposed for regular users (12 occasions or more per year) to be able to take advantage of the scale 1 charge and for charities or residents of the district to be eligible for a 20% discount on the scale 2 charge. The Housing-Related Fees and Charges for 2018/19 were recommended to be increased by 3% with the only exceptions being the charges for Telecare packages to private users; Bed and Breakfast accommodation remaining the same as 2017/18; and the Civil Penalties under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 being added to the list.


Within Governance Directorate, the Legal Services proposed to increase legal fees by 3%; Land Charges were to remain the same due to difficulties in service delivery, turn-around times and to be commercially competitive; and the Development Control fee levels controlled by the Government had been suggested to increase by 20% but there had been no clear timetable for this to be introduced.


Within the Neighbourhoods Directorate fees and charges included Car Parking Charges, North Weald Airfield rents and charges, MOT’s, various environmental health related charges and Licencing.The MOT income was subject to a maximum charge set by the Vehicle Operating Service Agency (VOSA) currently £54.85 and the Council’s fee were set below this level at £49.00. The charges for the collection of bulk waste represented an increase of 3%, although the Resources Select Committee had been concerned that fly tipping would increase in the district, if this was applied.


The Cabinet Sub-Committee commented that the MOT fee should be increased to the charge set by VOSA, as there was little difference and this would probably not affect the revenue. Furthermore, parking at the retail park although restricted to 2 hours did not seem to be consistent with availability and would need to be monitored and fines applied, if required, to allow users to park.


Regarding the bulk waste charges, the Cabinet Sub-Committee were advised that officers did not think the bulk waste charges would increase fly tipping, as any increase seen in the district appeared to be commercial waste. The Cabinet Sub-Committee were keen to see a discount rate applied consistently for residents in receipt of housing benefits and of pensionable age.


The Cabinet Sub-Committee also requested officers look at increasing long stay car parking charges inline with Transport for London (TfL), so that car parks were not filled with commuters, but available for high street shoppers.  





(1)          That the use of the Consumer Prices Index of 3% be used as a guide for any proposed increases of the Council’s Fees and Charges for 2018/19 be agreed;


(2)          That the proposed fees and charges for 2018/19, as set out in the Appendices attached to the minutes, be approved;


(3)          That the proposed schedule of Housing Revenue Account Fees and Charges for 2018/19 be approved;


(4)          That the Council’s fee for an MOT be increased to the maximum VOSA charge currently at £54.85;


(5)          That the discount rate of 50% for Council’s fees for bulk waste be applied to residents on housing benefits and pensionable age; and


(6)          That officers increase long stay car parking charges inline with TfL car parks in the District.


Reasons for Decision


As part of the annual budget process changes to fees and charges need to be agreed.


Other Options Considered and Rejected


Where the Council had discretion on the level of fees and charges that were set and there were many possible options open to the Council ranging between no increase up to applying quite large increase where justifiable.

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