Agenda item

Questions by Members Without Notice

Council Procedure Rule 12.6 provides for questions by any member of the Council to the Leader or any Portfolio Holder, without notice on:


(i)            reports under item 7 above; or


(ii)           any other matter of a non operational character in relation to the powers and  duties of the Council or which affects all or part of the District or some or all of  its inhabitants.


Council Procedure Rule 12.7 provides that answers to questions without notice may take the form of:


(a)          direct oral answer from the Leader or, at the request of the Leader, from another member of the Cabinet;


(b)          where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication;


(c)          where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner; or


(d)          where the question relates to an operational matter, the Leader or a member of the Cabinet will request that a response be given direct to the questioner by the relevant Chief Officer.


In accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 12.8, a time limit of thirty minutes is set for questions. Any question not dealt with within the time available will receive a written reply. The Chairman may extend this period by up to a further 10 minutes at their discretion.


(a)        New Homes Bonus


Councillor S Murray asked the Finance Portfolio Holder what importance the Council gave to the New Homes Bonus, which was worth £2.7 million, following the publication from ‘Inside Housing, January 2016’, which advised that the Government was considering options to withholding some or all of the New Homes Bonus from Local Authorities who had not yet produced a Local Plan by 2017/18 and 50% from Local Authorities who had produced a plan but not submitted it.


Councillor S Stavrou advised that the Council was very conscious of having the Local Plan completed in time and the Cabinet Members were doing all they could to accelerate the process without comprising the integrity of the Plan.


(b)        Pensions


Councillor S Neville asked the Finance Portfolio Holder whether she considered the Governments proposed changes to be able to veto the way Local Authorities invested their Members pension’s funds and procurement methods, an attack on local democracy and would she write to the Government asking them to reconsider?


Councillor S Stavrou advised that the Government made the policies and the local authority implemented them, which it was the Councils responsibility to do so and would be happy to discuss it outside of the meeting.


(c)        Poor Highways Design & Parking Concerns, Broadway, Loughton


Councillor L Girling asked the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder whether the posts installed as part of the Broadway Regeneration Project enhancement, which were continuous mounted by traders and shoppers were:


(i)         a design flaw;


(ii)        whether double yellow lines should be installed along the Highway;


(iii)       whether pedestrian’s safety was at risk; and


(iv)       whether he would attend a site visit?


Councillor G Waller advised that the regeneration around the Broadway was designed around 7/8 years ago and agreed that pedestrian safety at this location was a concern. He advised that the Loughton Broadway Parking Review was pending and would present an ideal opportunity to resolve some of those problems and he would be happy to visit the site with Councillor L Girling.


(d)        Dog Fouling


Councillor J M Whitehouse asked the Environment Portfolio Holder, whether he could update the Council on the arrangements for Dog Fouling, in particular, enforcement and education following the changes to the animal welfare, street cleansing and the waste management contract.


Councillor W Breare-Hall advised that there were already dog control orders and measures in place to deal with this type of problem. He advised that with Biffa taking over the waste contract, there should have been no changes in the service and he would be happy to take these concerns to them.


(e)        Off Street Parking Programme, Greensted Ward


Councillor B Surtees asked the Housing Portfolio Holder and the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder to accept his thanks for the speed in which the Housing Assets Team had dealt with the application for car parking improvements in Greensted Ward and whether any surplus funds the Council received, could be spent on more improvements like these as residents valued these schemes.


Councillor D Stallan advised that the off-street programmes had been very important for the Council and the programme was reviewed each year by the Cabinet. The schemes relating to the Council’s Housebuilding Programme would take priority, which had been agreed by Members previously.


(f)        Policing in Loughton


Councillor S Murray asked the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder whether he shared his concern about the policing in Loughton and whether Loughton received the same service of care that other urban areas of Essex had received?


Councillor G Waller advised that the Council worked closely with the Police and at the recent Essex Police and Crime Panel, there had been some discussion regarding the policing and demands, which were much greater than before. The Police were dealing with hidden harms such as child sexual exploitation and domestic abuse, which had meant that there was less time available for other types of crimes. Councillor G Waller advised that although the Police had made efforts to respond to residents, he would remind the Police of the concerns Councillor S Murray had in Loughton.


(g)        Taxi Drivers Behaviour


Councillor L Girling asked the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder whether a letter could be sent to all EFDC Taxi Drivers about their professionalism and driving, following the day to day conduct of taxi drivers, who parked on yellow double lines, carried out U-turns across pedestrian central islands, parked in disabled bays and mounted the pavements between posts on the Broadway in Loughton.


Councillor G Waller advised that the issues raised and the requested actions by Councillor L Girling were the responsibility of the Chairman of the Licensing Committee.