Agenda item

Questions by Members Without Notice

Council Procedure Rule 12.6 provides for questions by any member of the Council to the Leader or any Portfolio Holder, without notice on:


(i)            reports under item 7 above; or


(ii)           any other matter of a non operational character in relation to the powers and  duties of the Council or which affects all or part of the District or some or all of  its inhabitants.


Council Procedure Rule 12.7 provides that answers to questions without notice may take the form of:


(a)          direct oral answer from the Leader or, at the request of the Leader, from another member of the Cabinet;


(b)          where the desired information is in a publication of the Council or other published work, a reference to that publication;


(c)          where the reply cannot conveniently be given orally, a written answer circulated later to the questioner; or


(d)          where the question relates to an operational matter, the Leader or a member of the Cabinet will request that a response be given direct to the questioner by the relevant Chief Officer.


In accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 12.8, a time limit of thirty minutes is set for questions. Any question not dealt with within the time available will receive a written reply. The Chairman may extend this period by up to a further 10 minutes at his discretion.


(a)        Reduction in Housing Rents


Councillor S Murray asked the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Councillor D Stallan about whether the implications of the Chancellor’s announcement in the Summer budget regarding rent reductions by 1% per annum over the next four years for councils and housing associations;


(i)            had come to him as a surprise; and


(ii)           whether any further information was available on the options suggested within his Portfolio Holder report, which included;


·                     Reductions in the amount of new Council Housebuilding;

·                     Further borrowing to fund the Council Housebuilding Programme; and

·                     Reduced investment in the Council’s housing stock, resulting in a revised approach to the Council’s recently-introduced Modern Home Standard.


Councillor D Stallan agreed that the reduction would have significant impact on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and options were being discussed and Members were being fully consulted. He advised that because of the good financial management of the HRA in previous years, the Council was in a better position than most to deal with the reduction.


(b)        Electoral Registration Process


Councillor B Surtees asked the Portfolio Holder for Governance and Development Management, Councillor J Philip whether there was a possibility that some of the shortfall of responses to the Electoral Registration could be down to the limited ability of residents in dealing with the complicated paperwork and whether guidance could be provided to assist with a simpler explanation of the requirements of the form.


Councillor J Philip advised that the Electoral Registration letters were produced at an appropriate level and it was clearly stated on the form that if anyone had problems completing the form there was a helpline to call. He advised that there were various technological methods available to complete the form, alongside completing a paper copy. He advised that the Council had not wanted to frighten residents, although it was very important to register and complete the required forms.


(c)        Local Plan


Councillor J M Whitehouse asked the Planning Policy Portfolio Holder, Councillor R Bassett whether he planned to make any amendments to the Local Plan time table in response to the Secretary of State for Housing and Planning announcement about a deadline for a Local Plan to be produced by early 2017.


Councillor R Bassett advised that he would look into the progression of the Local Plan, although there had been measured progress because of the need for the duty to co-operate across the bordering authorities and production of a consistent approach. The Council would be producing a document, although with inspector’s decisions being taken into account, there had been further delays to the Council’s Plan. Councillor R Bassett advised that a Local Plan would be produced as soon as possible and hoped that everyone would have been consulted and opinions taken into account.


(d)        Transport for London (TfL) - Addition Car Park Spaces


Councillor K Angold-Stephens asked the Governance and Development Management Portfolio Holder, Councillor J Philip whether the pre-application consultation with TfL on the provision of additional car parking spaces at Epping and Theydon Bois stations had included:


(i)            the capacity issues on the tubes in a morning directed towards London;


(ii)           the effect it could have further down the line; and


(iii)          whether discussions could be made with the Town and Parishes effected.


Councillor J Philip advised that the Council was aware of the interest TfL had with the carparks capacity and following the recent outcome of a General Permitted Development Order, TfL had decided to go through the planning application process. He advised that this would allow each decision to be taken with the proper consultation and planning requirements.


(e)        Requirement to Sell “High Value” Empty Council Properties


Councillor C C Pond asked the Housing Portfolio Holder, Councillor D Stallan whether following the Governments announcement for proposals to require councils(only) to sell “higher value” properties as they became vacant,  resulting in the probable removal of Loughton and Debden properties from the choice based lettings list in the District; whether the Portfolio Holder had made any representations to senior figures within the Conservative Party on the effects the policy would have on the Council?


Councillor D Stallan advised that he was aware of the policy which had been within the Conservative Manifesto and was awaiting further details on the proposals. There had been no representations as yet and the Council would await the consultations and details of the legislation.  


(f)        St John’s Road Site


Councillor J H Whitehouse asked the Assets and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, Councillor A Grigg whether Epping Town Councillors would be involved in the consultations regarding the St John’s site before the planning application stage.


Councillor A Grigg advised that the land was not yet within the Council ownership but hoped to be by September 2015. With regards to consultation on the site, it had been suggested that it would be through the planning considerations, which would form part of discussions with the Town Council beforehand and this would be with the agents, Frontier.


(g)        Waste Collection


Councillor J Knapman asked the Environment Portfolio Holder, Councillor W Breare Hall for clarification between the daily average of 46 missed collections and the daily number of phone calls received by the Neighbourhoods Customer Services Team.


Councillor W Breare-Hall advised that not all of the 200 calls received were about the waste collections; they also included calls regarding other environmental issues such as fly tipping. Although officers had estimated that around 90% of the calls had still been about missed waste collections.


(h)        Royal Gun Powder Mill


Councillor R Butler asked the Leisure and Community Services Portfolio Holder, Councillor H Kane whether following media speculation concerning the selling off of the Royal Gun Powder Mills in Waltham Abbey, whether any influence could be used to keep open the facilities for residents and wider public’s enjoyment.


Councillor H Kane advised that although it was not relation to the Portfolio Holder Report, as the Outside Representative of the Council for the Royal Gun Powder Mills, she would report back to the Council following the board meeting scheduled for 11 August 2015.


(i)         Flying Tipping – Pyrles Lane, Loughton


Councillor D Wixley asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Councillor W Breare Hall whether more publicity could be gained with regards to the prosecutions of fly tipping that could act as a warning, advise residents of the proper way to get rid of waste and that the Council does take action against these types of incidents. He also advised that flying tipping had also occurred again in this area.


Councillor W Breare-Hall advised that fly tipping caused significant nuisance and cost to the Council and a firm line was taken against these types of offenses. The Council had issued press releases to the local press but unfortunately they were not always picked up and it was at their discretion. He would liaise with the Public Relations team to encourage publicity within the local news papers.


(j)         Reduction Essex Police Reducing Their Anti-Social Behaviour Work


Councillor C P Pond asked the Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener and Transport, Councillor G Waller whether the reduction on anti-social behaviour work by Essex Police:


1.            had been discussed at the partnership meetings;


2.            whether the Council would have enough staff in the safety communities section to cope; and


3.            whether it would help if the Council wrote to the Police about their concerns?


Councillor G Waller advised that there had been no discussion with the Police and Crime Commissioner before the decision and he had expressed concerns already and hoped to discuss the issue at the Partnership meeting, Safer Essex Panel and Essex Police Panel. The impact of the reduction had not yet been assessed and a probable impact would be felt by the Safety Communities team although this would not yet be known.