Agenda item

Asset Management Co-Ordination Group Report

To consider the attached report (AMED-009-2014/15).


The Cabinet Committee noted a report from the Asset Management Co-ordination Group on the progress made with the development of the Council’s property assets.


The Assistant Director, Asset Management & Economic Development reported orally on further progress which had been achieved since the matters had been considered by the Group.


(1)        Epping Forest Shopping Park – All of the legal and accountancy advice had now been received and negotiations were concluding with out joint venture partners. We are in possession of a detailed legal document which will be going to cabinet on the 15 December 2014 for members to discuss.


A marketing exercise of the units had been taking place and there were a number of alternative tenant mixes that the Council would be able to consider in due course.


Detailed investigation work is going on at the moment mainly on site for geo technical and contamination work a revised detailed development appraisal will not be available until the end of January 2015.


(2)        Oakwood Hill Depot – A detailed programme and costings had been received from the Council’s quantity surveyors and this report would be presented to the Cabinet at their meeting on the 15 December 2014. The works should start in April 2015 and be completed by the end of 2015. This new facility would provide a state of the art depot for two or more of the Council’s services and allow the Langston Road site to be vacated for work to commence on the Epping Forest Shopping Park.


(3)        Pyrles Lane Nursery – Grounds maintenance services were being relocated to the Pyrles Lane Nursery and a planning application would be submitted by the 23 January 2015.  A part of that new facility would include a glasshouse for growing plants and storage for storing plants that were bought in.


(4)        St John’s Road – Legal meetings had begun with the Council’s solicitors and Frontier Estates who were the developers. Essex County Council were in the process of instructing their solicitors. We were arranging a date to meet with Essex County Council and a meeting would then be arranged with Epping Town Council to keep them informed of the current situation.


(5)        North Weald Airfield – The Director of Neighbourhoods had given an update on North Weald Airfield earlier on in the Agenda.


(6)        Torrington DriveTFL have advised the Council that they are concentrating on other priorities and the Debden Station car park was not on their current development programme. We will continue to press them to move this development forward.


(7)        Winston Churchill Public House – The developers have asked the Council to consider a variation to the agreement which would be presented to Cabinet on the 15 December 2014.


(8)        Broadway Car Parks / Burton Road Depot – There were a number of developments being led by housing and these were making progress.


(9)        Lindsey House Epping – Essex County Council had expressed an interest in this property in conjunction with the St Johns Road development and discussions were taking place with the adjoining church.


(10)      Town Mead Depot – The Council were awaiting detailed designs from architects, to address the flooding issues which will be taken back to the Environment Agency and the Council’s consultants, Peter Brett Associates.We would then be in a position to report further on taking this project forward.


(11)      Leader Lodge – The contracts have been exchanged on the sale of that property and the Council are awaiting a completion date.




(1)        That  the monitoring report on the development of the Council’s property assets be noted.


Reasons for Decision:


To comply with the Cabinet Committee’s previous request to monitor the development of the Council’s property assets periodically.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


None, as this monitoring report is for information not action.

Supporting documents: