Agenda item

Appointment of Co-opted Member

(Director of Governance) To consider the attached report (AGC-016-2014/15).


The Director of Governance presented a report on the appointment of a new Co-Opted Member of the Committee.


The Director of Governance reported that the Vice-Chairman, Mr R Thompson, had tendered his resignation from the Committee, following two terms as a Co-Opted Member, totalling six years. His second and final term would expire on 9 February 2015. The Committee was reminded that it had undertaken a similar process in 2013 to appoint the second Co-Opted Member currently serving on the Committee, Mr A Jarvis, and it was proposed to utilise the same principles and processes with this appointment. Therefore, the Committee was requested to propose to the Council that an Appointment Panel consisting of three Members be appointed with delegated authority to undertake the recruitment for the soon-to-be vacant position; that one of the Members of the Panel be the current Chairman of the Committee and the remaining Group Leaders be requested to nominate to the other positions as the normal rules of pro rata did not apply in this case; and that the outgoing Co-opted Member be invited to attend the meetings of the Panel in a non-voting, advisory capacity. Officer support to the Panel would be provided by the Director of Governance and other appropriate Officers from within the Directorate.


The Chairman of the Committee enquired as to whether both of the current Co-Opted Members of the Committee should attend the interviews. The Director of Governance reminded the Committee that it was usually the Council Members on the Panel who made the appointment, and that it was a matter for Council as to whether others were invited to attend the interviews. The Committee was content for both Co-Opted Members to attend the interviews, in an advisory capacity, and it was agreed that both should be invited.


The Director of Governance also confirmed that all available outlets would be used to advertise the vacancy, including social media. It was confirmed that Mr R Thompson could attend the next meeting of the Committee if required, as it was scheduled for 5 February 2015 and his term did not expire until 9 February 2015. Although the Council would use its best endeavours to have appointed a replacement before then.


Both the Chairman on behalf of the Committee, and the Director of Governance on behalf of the Officers, paid tribute to Mr R Thompson for his commitment and contributions to the Committee over the previous six years, particularly in the field of risk management.




(1)        That a report be submitted to the Council recommending the following procedure for the appointment of a new Co-Opted Member for the Audit & Governance Committee:


            (a)        That an Appointment Panel of three Councillors be appointed, to     include the Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee, with delegated     authority to undertake the interviews following public advertisement and to         appoint the preferred candidate for the soon-to-be vacant position of Co-    Opted Member position on the Audit & Governance Committee;


(b)        That, as pro rata rules did not apply in this instance, nominations to serve on the Appointment Panel with the Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee be sought from the remaining Group Leaders;


(c)        That the two existing Co-Opted Members of the Audit & Governance Committee be invited to attend the interviews in a non-voting, advisory capacity; and


(d)        That the Council’s appreciation of the contribution of Mr R Thompson to the Audit & Governance Committee as a Co-Opted Member over the previous six years be formally recognised.

Supporting documents: