Decision details

Options and Implications of the Council Funding the Employment of Police Officers in the Epping Forest District

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Options to consider for the Council providing a Police or uniformed presence for the District.


A further report on a proposed SLA with Essex Police, to fund 3 additional Police Officers within the District by the Council.


(1)        That £215,000 per annum budget provision be made in the District Development Fund (DDF) for 3 years, to fund the following provision, for a pilot period of three years from April 2018 to March 2021:


            (a)        the employment of three full-time Police Officers by Essex Police,    including a Sergeant and two Police Constables, to be tasked and directed by   the Council;


            (b)        the commissioning of Parkguard security company to undertake       targeted patrolling and youth engagement work; and


            (c)        the delivery of additional, targeted sessions at Crucial Crew and      Reality Roadshow;


(2)        That a Service Level Agreement (SLA) be drawn up with Essex Police to set out the detailed requirements and arrangements relating to decision 1(a) above, in line with the Heads of Terms for the SLA set out in the report;


(3)        That the cost of £215,000 per annum be funded by increasing the Council Tax by £3.69 (2.5%) per annum for a band ‘D’ property; and


(4)        That regular monitoring reports be submitted to the Communities Select Committee every six months by the Community Safety Team throughout the life of this initiative.

Report author: Julie Chandler

Publication date: 08/02/2018

Date of decision: 01/02/2018

Decided at meeting: 01/02/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 16/02/2018

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