Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2018-2023 - Performance Report Quarters 1 & 2 2018-19

To consider the report (attached).


For information: the previous regular performance reports covering the annual Corporate Plan Key Action Plan, Key Performance Indicators and Transformation Highlight Report have now been superseded by this single integrated performance report.


The Corporate Plan 2018-2023 was the authority’s key strategic planning document. A corporate specification (previously called the Key Action Plan) for each year was being delivered through operational objectives, which in turn were linked to annual Service business plans. The previous regular performance reports that had covered the annual Corporate Plan Key Action Plan, Key Performance Indicators and Transformation Highlight Report had now been superseded by this single integrated performance report.


The success of the Corporate Plan was being assessed through the achievement of a set of benefits, each measured through one or more performance indicators. This provided the Council with the opportunity to focus on what could be achieved for its customers – on how specific improvements would be addressed, opportunities exploited and better outcomes delivered. The Corporate Plan when viewed as a set of benefits maps had one map for each of the ten corporate aims. A benefit was a measurable improvement from an outcome that was perceived as an advantage, and contributed to an organisational objective(s). All benefits from individual corporate objectives connected back to four key benefits, which were:


·           K1 Improved customer value – recognising what customers’ value about our services and placing them as the heart of everything we do;

·           K2 Increased efficiency – focussing on our speed of delivery and getting things right first time;

·           K3 Increased agility – reducing red tape, simplifying how we work through joined up services; and

·           K4 Increased savings and income – delivery of resource savings and income generation, to keep Council Tax low.


The Committee attempted to identify any actions and/or projects, performance indicators and/or benefits that might require in-depth scrutiny, but Councillor H Whitbread voiced the concerns of Councillor A Patel, in his absence, over the presentation of performance data in these reports. The Acting Chief Executive replied that the Leadership Team was in dialogue with the Project/Performance Management Team with a remit to try and make improvements to these reports, if this was possible, but officers were restricted by the limitations of the Pentana software.


The Chairman, Councillor N Bedford, remarked that under aim 1, People live longer, healthier and independent lives, on performance indicator M1.2, Number of take-away restaurants signed up to ‘Tuck In’ pledge, it showed that only three premises were signed up and he was therefore concerned about officers’ time on this project. The Acting Chief Executive replied that ‘Tuck In’ was an Essex County Council Trading Standards initiative. The District had over 650 licensed premises and the aim of the project was to promote healthy take-away food choices. Public Health Improvement Officer, F Ferrari, had been working with GP surgeries to monitor how well this had been done. Councillor S Neville asked if a Trading Standards Officer could be invited to tell members about this initiative, especially on the healthy food options of take-aways? The Acting Chief Executive replied that ‘Tuck In’ was a country-wide initiative that focussed on aspects such as cooking methods and sugar levels in drinks. He would ask the responsible officer to provide information to members that could be publicised in the Council Bulletin, which was agreed.


The Portfolio Holder (Safer, Greener and Transport) Councillor S Kane was concerned that under aim 3, People and communities achieve their potential, M3.1, Number of community champions and volunteers, this was in red but there were no expansion notes provided.


Councillor S Neville referred to performance indicator M3.2, Leisure centre attendance, as only estimated performance data had been provided. Leisure and Community Services Portfolio Holder Councillor H Kane replied that these figures could be provided. The Leisure Management Contract Partnership Board undertook a regular review of performance of the Council’s leisure contract with Places for People (Leisure). The agendas and minutes of the Partnership Board were available to members on the Intranet.


The Chairman queried under aim 4, Delivering effective core services that people want, performance indicator M4.3 Number of new residential properties built or acquired by the Council, which was in red. The Acting Chief Executive replied that this performance indicator was improving in relation to the number of affordable houses being built.


Councillor J H Whitehouse also asked for more information on performance indicator M4.3. The Acting Chief Executive explained that under aim 5, A District with planned development, performance indicator M5.1 Number of new dwellings completed in the District, the information provided was in relation to all properties that had been granted planning permission. The Communities Select Committee had another indicator to monitor performance of Council housebuilding properties.


Also under aim 4, Councillor M Sartin asked for feedback on corporate objective 4.1 Keeping the District clean and green, especially operational objective 4.1.1 Implement change in waste contract. Service Director (Contracts and Technical Services) Q Durrani explained that this could involve a number of potential changes but was on hold as Waste Management would be looking at a number of options. The Acting Chief Executive advised this was not a review of charging for all green waste collection, but the possible option of charging for an additional green waste bin. The Service Director added that the number of options available would be dictated by policy and that composting of green waste would be encouraged. However, if this was not feasible for all residents then there could be the option of a larger green waste bin or a second green bin but there would be associated cost implications with this that needed to be evaluated.


Also under aim 4, performance indicator M4.1 Number of businesses that joined the ‘Buy with confidence’ scheme, the Chairman asked if people using Planning Services and Building Control could be sent a letter on the possible consequences of using an unapproved waste contractor where they could be taken to court if their waste was fly-tipped by rogue traders. Service Director (Contracts and Technical Services) replied that the public could be duped by rogue traders if their waste was illegally dumped instead. This scheme needed to be reassessed to help make it more successful.


The Leisure and Communities Services Portfolio Holder queried why project P114, St John’s Road Development, was in red but 92 per cent progress had been achieved, and why the due date was given as 31 March 2018? The Acting Chief Executive replied that the project was on the verge of completion when the Tripartite agreement had fallen apart and this had been a timely item to discuss at the Leisure Management Contract Partnership Board meeting in September 2018. Therefore,  the information given in the report was no longer relevant, but was showing how it had been monitored.


Councillor R Brookes was concerned at the number of empty outlets in The Broadway, Loughton, under aim 10, Financial independence with low Council Tax, operational objective 10.2.1, Receive income from commercial leases. The Acting Chief Executive replied that a retail impact assessment of The Broadway had originally been commissioned in 2009 at the time of the Epping Forest Shopping Park application. There were in excess of forty properties of which three were empty. He reassured members that The Broadway was holding its own since the Epping Forest Shopping Park had opened last year. High streets were under strain on a nationwide basis.




(i)            That the Select Committee reviewed and noted the progress of the Corporate Plan Performance Report for 2018/19, Quarters 1 and 2 (outturn position), in relation to its area of responsibility.


(ii)           That information on the ‘Tuck In’ Trading Standards initiative would be publicised in the Council Bulletin – Acting Chief Executive to liaise with the responsible officer.

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