Agenda item

Any Other Business

Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, requires that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Chief Executive, before urgent business not specified in the agenda (including a supplementary agenda of which the statutory period of notice has been given) may be transacted.


The Committee discussed the recent move they made from Roding Valley High School, Loughton to the Civic Offices in the spring of last year. The Chairman noted that it was initially for security reasons that a move was asked for. The Chairman had agreed to give the Committee, at the start of the new year, a chance to discuss the move and to bring up any issues they would like to talk over.


Councillors made the following points:

·         Councillor Lion noted that there was a potential problem in the Council Chamber of people coming into the meeting after the start of the meeting and not knowing where to sit and sitting in the wrong place;


·         Councillor Chris Pond said that he did not feel safer here than he did at Loughton and that they had not gained very much in moving here;


·         Councillor Beales noted that the general public and registered speakers had been mixed in together at Loughton, which she thought was a benefit. Perhaps they should not be separated here. He noted that the Chamber had an element of security as it was a more formal setting and maybe this acted as a restraint on people;


·         Councillor Kaufman noted that they had lost a percentage of public attendance. They had a higher turnout at Loughton;


·         Councillor C Roberts noted that it was more comfortable here. He asked that now the Local Plan was nearly finished, had any thought been given to carrying out a risk assessment for future, potentially larger meetings?


·         Councillor Knapman noted that this building was not really secure as he had made it to the members room without his security card;


·         Councillor Wixley raised concerns about security in the public gallery and that things could be thrown down. Also it was more difficult for people to get to Epping, both for Councillors and members of the public;


·         Councillor Neville also noted a trailing off in the attendance of the public. Also he would like a clear separation between the Councillors and the public, as they had at the school;


·         Councillor Sunger agreed that the old venue had a lot of the public there, but this new venue had the benefit of a live webcast so people could watch it from home. Also he suggested that maybe people could sign in so that we knew who was in the building;


·         Councillor Patel suggested having some sort of separation down the centre of the chamber;


·         Councillor Sandler agreed that as this meeting was webcast live, people stayed at home and watched the meeting. The Committee was better off here, it was also easier for the officers and less expensive for the Council as they did not have to take the webcast equipment there;


·         Councillor R Jennings said that it had been cold and noisy in the school and it was much better here. As it was a live webcast, could the viewing figures for the webcast be reported to us? Also was it possible to have the public speakers facing the committee on the opposite seats and to somehow move the large TV that was in the way. He also like the fact that the majority of the public was upstairs;


·         Councillor Heap said that he had never felt intimidated either her or at Loughton;


·         Councillor Wixley commented that they needed the big TV where it was; and


·         Councillor C Roberts said that he could not clearly see the image on the large projector screen. That needed improving. The Chairman noted that officers were looking into getting a better projector installed.


The Chairman thanked the Committee for their views and said that he would take their comments back to the next Development Management Chairs and Vice Chairs meeting.