Agenda item

Any Other Business

(a)          Notices by Diane;

(b)          Notices by Louis;

(c)          Any other Notices; and

(d)          Youth Councillor Notices.


Notices by Diane;


-       Emotional Well Being & Mental Health was a massive topic and the Youth Council has  been working with the NELFT NHS service to deliver the MiLife Roadshow, which talks about positive mental health. The Emotional Well Being & Mental Health services were looking at developing a number of digital projects over the next 6 months which included  e-bulletin videos, advertisement videos for the service and a large social media campaign relating to resilience and self help. Emma and Chyna would be attending the January meeting to talk about their work and how they could work with the EFYC.


-       Reminder - Dress code for the Christmas social on Tuesday 20December 2016 was Christmas jumpers a unisex secret Santa gift.


ACTION – All Youth Councillors to send food choices and dietary requirements to Di for the Christmas social event.


ACTION – All Youth Councillors attending the Christmas social to bring a £5 secret Santa (wrapped) gift for the lucky dip sack.


Notices by Louis;


-       Social Media Campaign – Promotion of EFYC work and increasing the following on social media sites via competitions to be discussed at the next meeting;

-       Suggestion Boxes - New lockable suggestion boxes had been purchased and were to be installed in secondary schools in the district. Louis explained that former Youth Councillors had developed the suggestion scheme idea as a way for young people to communicate with the EFYC and inform them of any concerns or issues which they would like to be address on their behalf;

-       Transport - Reminder to all Youth Councillors that if help with transport to meetings was required that Youth Councillors should contact Lou or Di by 5pm on Friday’s.

-        Christmas social event - Tuesday 20th December;

-        Training Programme for 2017 – This would be starting Tuesday 24 January 2016 with training on the role of a Youth Councillor and making the most of meetings. The training programme had also been included in the weekly EFYC diary.


ACTION – All Youth Councillors to find a suitable location for an EFYC suggestion box to be installed.


ACTION – All Youth Councillors to design an A4 cover to promote the suggestion box and encourage students to use it.


Notices by Gaby;


-       Reminder of Attendance - By failing to attend at least 50% of scheduled meetings, training, or working group meetings in any rolling six month period unless their absence for a longer term had been agreed in advance by the Youth Council. Reasons for absence must be advised to the Council Officers in advance and there would be a warning limit of 60% . If a Youth Councillors attendance dropped below 60% within a three month period then an appropriate officer would advise the Youth Councillor accordingly.


Youth Councillor Notices;


Finlay reminded Youth Councillors of the two separate what’s app groups used for communication. One was for social conversations and one was for business related conversations. He asked that the Youth Councillors to use the groups accordingly.