Agenda item

Report of the Appointment Panel

Report to follow regarding:


(a)          Notice of Constitution of Political Groups, Group Leaders and Deputies;


(b)          Appointments made by the Leader to the Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Outside Organisations carrying out Executive Functions;


(c)          Membership, Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship of Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels (Non-Executive Bodies);


(d)          Appointments to Outside Organisations carrying out Council, regulatory or non-Cabinet Functions.


The Council will need to vote on (c) and (d) where the number of nominations exceeds the number of places available.


Mover: Councillor C Whitbread, (Chairman of the Panel and Leader of the Council)


Councillor C Whitbread reported on the appointments which he had made to the Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Outside Organisations carrying out Executive Functions.


Councillor C Whitbread also reported the recommendations of the Appointment Panel in relation to the membership, chairmanship and vice-chairmanship of Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels (non-Executive bodies) and to Outside Organisations carrying out Council, Regulatory or non Cabinet Functions. Councillor C Whitbread also advised of changes made to the nominations since the Panel had met.


The Council voted on appointments where the number of nominations exceeded the number of places available.


Amendment moved by Councillor J Philip and seconded by Councillor C Whitbread


That the requirement for pro-rata for the Licensing Committee be set aside to allow voting on the appointments to that body to proceed in accordance with Council procedure rule V2.




The appointments to the Licensing Committee were subject to a vote and set out in Appendix 3.


Following the nominations of Councillor M Sartin and Councillor L Girling for the position of Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillors C P Pond, C C Pond, D Wixley, S Murray and H Kauffman requested that there be a recorded vote for the position. 


There voted for Councillor Girling: (7) namely: Councillors R Baldwin, A Beales, R Brookes, R Butler, D Dorrell, L Girling, S Heap, B Jennings, J Jennings, H Kauffman, L Mead, R Morgan, S Murray, S Neville, C C Pond, C P Pond, C Roberts, D Roberts, B Surtees, J H Whitehouse, J M Whitehouse and D Wixley.


There voted for Councillor M Sartin: (37) namely: Councillors R Bassett, N Bedford, T Boyce,  W Breare-Hall, G Chambers, R Gadsby, A Grigg, L Hughes, S Jones, H Kane, S Kane, P Keska, J Knapman, Y Knight, M McEwen, A Mitchell, A Patel, J Philip, B Rolfe, B Sandler, M Sartin, G Shiell, D Stallan, S Stavrou, G Waller, L Webster, C Whitbread and H Whitbread.


There abstained from the vote (1) namely: J Lea,




(1)          That in accordance with Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, the Constitution of Political Groups as set out in Appendix 1, to these minutes be noted;


(2)           That the appointments made by the Leader of the Council to the Cabinet and Cabinet Committees and the allocation of Portfolios as set out in Appendix 2, to these minutes be noted;


(3)          That the membership, chairmanship and vice-chairmanship of Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels (non-executive bodies) as set out in Appendix 3 to these minutes be approved;


(4)          That the following appointments to nominate Group substitute Members on any Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels, Boards, Select Committees or Working Groups of the Council be noted;


(a)          Conservative Group: Councillor C Whitbread (Leader), Councillor S Stavrou (Deputy Leader), Councillor S Kane and Councillor G Waller;


(b)          Green Party Group: Councillor S Neville (Leader) and Councillor S Heap (Deputy Leader);


(c)          Liberal Democrat Group: Councillor J M Whitehouse (Leader) and Councillor J H Whitehouse;


(d)          Loughton Residents Association Group: Councillor C P Pond (Leader) and Councillor D Wixley (Deputy Leader); and


(e)          UKIP: Councillor D Dorrell (Leader) and Councillor R Butler (Deputy Leader).


(5)          That Group Leaders confirmed nominations to the Proper Officer for appointments to be made to the Select Committees by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee by 7 June 2016;


(6)          That the appointments to Outside Organisations carrying out Council, Regulatory or non-Cabinet Functions, as set out in Appendix 4 to these minutes be noted; and


(7)          That the appointments made by the Leader of the Council to Outside Organisations carrying out Executive Functions as set out in Appendix 5, to these minutes be noted.

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