Agenda item

Economic Development Team Progress Report

(Director of Neighbourhoods) To consider the attached report AMED-018-2015/16.


The Economic Development Officer (EDO) presented a report to the Cabinet Committee and updated them on a number of projects and issues being explored by the Economic Development Team.


(1)        One Business Briefing – The Winter edition of One Business Briefing had been very positively received within the business community. Ten external partners contributed articles and graphics, all of which involved close liaison with economic development officers to secure and structure the content. Additionally, a number of these external partners featured the One Business Briefing on their social media streams resulting in a wider social media reach than previously achieved.


(2)        Eastern Plateau – The Economic Development Team (EDT) has continued its representation on the Eastern Plateau Rural Development Programme’s Local Action Group. There were several projects based within the district that are at an early stage in the application process. Applications were also from the wider area such as Uttlesford, East and North Hertfordshire. The Programme Facilitator advised that there were a number of projects coming through the pipeline but how many from the Epping Forest District was not known. The EDT would like to see more of our district’s businesses apply for funding and be successful with future applications.


(3)        Visitor Economy – The Economic Development team were working with colleagues in Planning to commission a Visitor Accommodation Needs Assessment, which would  form a key part of the evidence base helping to inform tourism policies in the Local Plan. The assessment would address all types of accommodation such as hotels, public houses, bed and breakfast accommodation and youth hostels and assess the potential future demand and how it could change in the district with the adoption of the emerging Local Plan.


The Visit Epping Forest 2016 Tourism Conference took place at the start of English Tourism Week in March 2016. The event was generously sponsored by the Marriott Hotel together with Vibrant Partnerships and attracted more people than last year. Six speakers were featured including the Chairmen of Visit Essex and Vibrant Partnerships. Approximately ninety delegates represented a range of tourism and visitor sectors both large and small. The only negative identified was that poor public transport was a barrier for both a positive visitor experience and recruiting staff. As with previous conferences, networking was seen as one of the benefits of this event and everyone took advantage of the opportunity to discuss ideas and make new contacts during lunch. Once again a universally acclaimed event which delegates appreciated and affirmed that they would wish to remain a regular fixture.


(4)        Town Centres – The Town & Village Centres Opportunities Fund had agreed a number of applications for funding. The creation of a new Visit Epping Forest website had been approved within EFDC’s Town & Village Centres Opportunities Fund. The Team was also liaising with applicants to progress a handful of further applications to the Fund.


(5)        Business SupportThe Economic Development Team had been working on a valuable exercise to dramatically improve the information and contact details it holds for local businesses within the district. This work would mean we are better able to manipulate the data the EDT hold in order to disseminate relevant information as widely as possible and  to encourage local awareness and take-up of the various programmes that are available e.g. funding, business support & advice, workshops. These enhanced contacts were a start point in developing stronger communication links with our local businesses in terms of understanding their needs, issues and opportunities and how these might then inform where our future priorities and focus should be. Part of the project is involving a tele-marketing exercise to obtain further details from some businesses as recently flagged-up to Members, partners and officers.


(6)        Partner LiaisonThe EDT continued to liaise with, support and attend meetings with a number of Partner Organisations. These included:


- Essex County Council

- South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SE LEP)

- Invest Essex and Essex Innovation Programme

- Lea Valley Food Taskforce

- Essex Economic Development Officer group

- Essex Tourism Officer Group

- Epping Forest District Town Team

- Eastern Plateau Local Action Group

- Stansted Airport Local Authority Forum

- Tourism & Visitor Board

- West Essex Skills & Learning Forum

- Waltham Abbey Town Partnership

- One Epping Forest


Recently the Epping Forest District Museum in Waltham Abbey was reopened and the Economic Development Team were delighted to see the high quality of the heritage and tourist attraction that the Museum would offer to the district. There were

plans to host a business network event at the museum in the near future and we would like to congratulate the Museum team on their excellent work.


The EDT recently met with Grangewood Investments in Oakwood Hill to understand more about its investment plans at Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate, particularly in light of its Cr@te development on the Industrial Estate receiving planning consent in February. Cr@te were a forward thinking company bringing a suite of business premises for  start up or new businesses based on the conversion of former shipping containers into office facilities. Working with more of these organisations and business will have a very positive effect of attracting new businesses to the district.




To note the progress and work programme of the Council’s Economic Development Section.


Reasons for Decision:


To appraise the Committee on progress made with regard to Economic Development issues.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


None, as this monitoring report is for information not action.

Supporting documents: