Agenda item

National Graduate Scheme

The receive a short presentation from the National Graduate appointee.


The Council’s National Graduate Development Programme appointee, Mr G Nicholas gave a short presentation to the meeting about his appointment and subsequent work at the Council. This was a national scheme for trainee management development he had applied for and had subsequently to go through various tests and interviews to get this placement. Since he had started with the Council he had been given a different placement every six months to get a broad experience of the work of a local authority. His first placement was with Democratic Services; he then moved on to Human Resources; and then onto looking into the aging population and helping with the council’s Transformation Project. All the projects he was involved in meant that he was entrusted to engage with both staff and members on important projects which provided him with a wide base of experience.


He had undertaken this scheme to stretch his abilities and knowledge and noted that it had been a real benefit to him, both as an individual and for his work and career prospects. He had been entrusted to handle the projects from the start and had received a lot of support from the relevant managers and staff. He had faced new challenges by having to write reports and present them to the Management Board. Finally he noted that his contract had been extended by another year to enable him to take on the various projects that needed to be done.


Councillor Lion asked if it had always been challenging as he had indicated. Mr Nicholas said that there had been a lot of extra development opportunities to be had. He had been involved in the coaching and mentoring of some of the apprentices and there had never been a chance to get bored. The jobs had always kept him on his toes and pushed him, but he always had the support of his managers and colleagues. The Assistant Director, Human Resources added that they had modelled his placement on how they handled the apprentices. All the placements were mapped out before he joined us and a structured work plan put in.


Councillor Lion then asked what Mr Nicholas would like to change in the council if he could. Mr Nicholas said that one thing he had identified was how projects were managed; it was a lot of work for a few people. This was something that could be looked at.


Councillor Mohindra noted that there were a few steps that he had to go through in the application process, how could we make it simpler. Mr Nicholas replied that it was not in the Council’s control as it was a national process; but it has since been revised and slightly simplified. The Assistant Director, Human Resources noted that they had first met Mr Nicholas at a sort of Career festival; they then held some internal interviews for candidates. They were now lining up another National Graduate candidate for next year and Mr Nicholas would be helping with this.


Councillor Lion said that he was pleased that the contract had been extended for another year.


Mr Nicholas was thanked for his presentation and informative answers to the questions raised.